Your Tax Dollars at Work
This was the official National Weather Service report for my house an hour or so ago:
The expected high for the day (upper left) is 48o, while the current temperature (bottom center) is 63o. I’ve complained about this sort of thing before (here and here), but I don’t believe I’ve seen a 15o discrepancy before.
Hmmm. Now that I’ve read my previous complaints, I see that they include a 14-degree discrepancy, so I should probably delete this post. However, I don’t have anything else to do today – home sick with strep throat – and I can’t resist letting victims of the massive blizzard know that here in the Shenandoah Valley it’s a beautiful spring day.
Maybe they should start reporting temperatures in Celsius, to keep the errors down to single digits. Or maybe they should just add two lines to their computer program, resetting the expected high to be greater than or equal to the current temperature, and mutandis mutandis with the lows.
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