Hateful and Stupid, Too
Michelle Malkin quotes some hateful comments from Democratic Underground (no link for them) gloating over Laura Ingrahams recent breast cancer diagnosis, refusing to join Elizabeth Edwards in praying for her, and in some cases wishing she would die. Some of the troglodytes lurking in the Democratic Underground sound a lot like the narrator of Dostoevskys Notes from Underground, which begins I am a sick man. . . . I am a spiteful man. I am an unattractive man. I believe my liver is diseased. As I recall, the translation I read in college begins I am an unpleasant man.
One of Malkins quotations is I hope she goes into remission and [expletive deleted] chokes to death. Im not very clear just who Laura Ingraham is (someone on television?), but I hope she goes into remission, too. Of course, this evil-minded moron is presumably praying for relapse rather than remission, but too stupid to know the difference.
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She’s a conservative radio commentator, and she has written a book or two. I’ve never heard her show.
Comment by Mikey — Wednesday: May 4, 2005 @ 9:13 AM GMT-0500
Catch her on radio if you can. She went to Dartmouth, JD from U.Va., clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas.
She’s a woman of good cheer. It’s not original to say that conservatives often are (of good cheer, that is).
Comment by old maltese — Wednesday: May 11, 2005 @ 5:36 PM GMT-0500