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Sunday: September 17, 2006

Announcement: Spam Filters

Filed under: — site admin @ 11:22 AM GMT-0500

Please be advised that comments containing the following words and phrases will be deleted by my software without me ever seeing them:

  • ‘amateur’
  • ‘credit’
  • ‘debt’
  • ‘loan’
  • ‘consolidation’
  • ‘cash advance’
  • ‘mastercard’
  • ‘visa’
  • ‘american express’

Also names of prescription drugs, sexual practices, hotel chains, and games of chance, even when they are included in longer words that are otherwise unexceptionable. The latter category includes, but is not limited to, ‘ambient’, ‘analytic’, ‘somatic’, and ‘red hot poker’.

It may be a challenge to write comments on some topics without using any of these words, but I’m sure my readers are up to it. As soon as I figure out how, I will put this message into the comment templates.


  1. I’m not sure how effective your a—– efforts at blocking spam will be, but I do give you c—- for trying. In fact, I am ind—ed to you for producing such a convenient list of spam words. I plan to l— it to my friends, who will appreciate this c———— of spam information in one place. I’d give you a c— a—— but you don’t have Paypal up.

    Of course, if you don’t appreciate my sense of humor, you may feel like putting my eyes out with a r– h– p—-. But if you have a more a——- turn of mind, you will appreciate that puns are like pizza and s–: When they’re good, they’re really good; but when they’re bad, they’re still pretty good.

    Comment by Kent G. Budge — Monday: September 18, 2006 @ 10:11 AM GMT-0500

  2. R3d H0t v1deos! Get them here cheep. See our sight for the latest in amatoor pr0n1

    I applaud the effort, but I don’t see how it’s going to work (it didn’t for me). Eventually, I had to go with a dynamically generated key that got created by Javascript on the client side and sent back with the POST. Since the spammers don’t simulate the Javascript on the page, it seems to work…. at least for now. My logs show about forty spam attempts thwarted per day (and no one reads my site, go figure).

    Here’s more details: http://roborant.info/main.do?entry=1300

    Comment by Rob — Tuesday: October 31, 2006 @ 5:16 PM GMT-0500

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