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Thursday: February 10, 2005

Belated Realization

Filed under: — site admin @ 10:50 PM GMT-0500

I work as an indexer. Today, after an hour or two of uninterrupted work on a chapter about solid waste management, I got to the end of a page and hit the PageDown button. Nothing happened, which was annoying, since I was in the middle of a very indexable sentence about dumpsters. I hit the button again, harder, and only then realized that I would have to turn the page over by hand: I was reading the hard copy. I’ve been working with computers way too long.


  1. I know I’ve been awake too long when I find myself either trying to solve equations on my cell phone or making calls on my calculator.

    Comment by Man Mountain Molehill — Saturday: February 12, 2005 @ 8:30 AM GMT-0500

  2. And if you go for white out on the monitor, you’re in BIG trouble.

    Comment by Sarah — Monday: February 14, 2005 @ 7:27 PM GMT-0500

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