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Sunday: November 6, 2005

Latest Spamular Idiocies

Filed under: — site admin @ 12:48 PM GMT-0500

In the last few days, half of my comment spam has looked like this (actual examples, with links removed):

In your free time, check out the pages on 1543

You may find it interesting to check out the sites on 1113

Take your time to check out the pages in the field of 1449

You can also take a look at the pages dedicated to 1174

Most likely this is just a screw-up, and someone hit ‘send’ on billions of spam messages before using some sort of ‘merge’ function to replace the number codes with the verbal descriptions of whatever stock tips, drugs, games, or perversions they are selling. Since I don’t even like reading the names of the kinkier products, that’s actually a plus.

The other possibility is that I’m behind the curve and everyone else knows what these numbers stand for, perhaps pages in Krafft-Ebbing or paragraphs in The Psychiatrist‘s Golden Book of Perversions. Are other readers saying “Oh, yeah! I’d like to try some 1543” or “Sorry, 1113’s a bit too kinky for my tastes” or “1449? if I only had the proper equipment”?

As always, the ones that really irritate me start “In your free time”. If I weren’t deleting their stinking spam every morning, maybe I’d have some.

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