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Tuesday: October 4, 2005


Filed under: — site admin @ 11:16 PM GMT-0500

In my previous post, I should probably have mentioned that ‘suillivore’ is four syllables, pronounced roughly ‘soo-ILL-i-voar’. If it were three syllables, it would be ‘swillivores’, which would be a good description of pigs, not eaters of pigs.


  1. “suilla”? Makes one wonder if the traditional hog call, “soo-eee!” actally originated with somebody who was educated in Latin…


    Comment by mostly cajun — Wednesday: October 5, 2005 @ 10:51 AM GMT-0500

  2. That’s okay, I keep reading it as “Sullivore” (ala a certain famously excitable pundit), and that just disturbs me.

    Comment by Sigivald — Thursday: October 6, 2005 @ 12:41 PM GMT-0500

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