Welcome to the new improved WordPress Dr. Weevil. The overall appearance will change frequently, perhaps drastically, over the next few weeks, but I’m eager to start posting again, so here it is. No need to update your blogrolls: as soon as my domain is transferred, the old URL will bring you straight here. In the mean time, you can easily get here from the old site by clicking on either of the weevils there.
Comments are open, but moderated (the WP default). Please behave if you want me to loosen the comment rules. In the mean time, comments left between midnight and 8am Eastern time (later on weekends) will languish until I get out of bed.
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Welcome back!
Comment by Dom — Thursday: February 10, 2005 @ 12:57 PM GMT-0500
Hmmm. I thought I’d left a comment on the analogous relationship betwen the narrowness of your mind and your template columns, but it seems not to have taken. Oh, well – it was a dim joke.
Comment by Michael Tinkler — Sunday: February 13, 2005 @ 9:16 AM GMT-0500
You can easily turn off comment moderation, through the Edit/Options/Discussion menu. But I suggest you not do so until you get the plug-in SPAM-ASSASSIN (or equivalent) installed via your ISP. (The plug resides on the server.)
SPAM-ASSASSIN catches all of the comment-spam and nearly all of the ping-back/track-back spam. If you have WP notify you via e-mail when a comment is entered, you might want to change that, too, because while the spam is being kept off your blogsite, it’s getting into the circuit that sends e-mail notification before it gets assassinated.
Comment by John Burgess — Sunday: February 13, 2005 @ 10:22 PM GMT-0500
Glad to see you back! You’re looking spiffy. I’ll patiently await my daily doss of _Write It Right_ untill you get accustomed to the new home.
Comment by Jim` — Saturday: February 19, 2005 @ 11:02 AM GMT-0500