I’m 5.08% Slutty
So says the Slut-o-Meter (þ Dustbury). When I do the same calculation through Google myself, I get a figure of 1.49%. The arithmetic is quite simple: the sluttiness quotient is just the percentage of sites found using an unrestricted Google search that are not found when those with explicit sexual content are filtered out.
There must be something wrong with the Slut-o-Meter’s algorithm. If I use their site to calculate the sluttiness of a Weevil in general rather than Dr. Weevil, I get a sluttiness quotient of -7.38%. I suppose that could mean that weevils are not only totally non-slutty, they even inspire non-slutty behavior in others, but that seems a bit of a stretch.
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Yeah, we aren’t quite sure why Google gives strange results sometimes, the “About” section of the webpage talks more about negative numbers:
Nice work on doing the numbers yourself, it is quite possible that Google gives different numbers depending on location (or other factors). We will have to keep our eyes out for this behavior in the future.
Comment by Joel Franusic — Thursday: December 22, 2005 @ 12:58 AM GMT-0500