August 13, 2003
Missing The Obvious Joke

Curmudgeonly & Skeptical reports:

. . . the La Crosse, WI, City Council will appeal a ruling in which a federal judge ordered the removal of a Ten Commandments monument from a city park. In ordering the city to remove the monument, U.S. District Judge Barbara Crabb said "it made some community members feel they did not belong in La Crosse unless they followed Judeo-Christian traditions," and "The First Amendment guarantees persons of all faiths that the government will treat them with equal concern and respect . . . ."

You'd think that someone so hostile to Christianity that he or she can't stand to even see the Ten Commandments on public display is unlikely to spend much time in a town called 'La Crosse'. The word doesn't actually mean 'cross' in French -- that would be 'La Croix' -- but (a) it almost inevitably brings thoughts of crosses to mind for any English speaker, and (b) it means crozier, which is of course a cross on a stick carried by (or before) Christian (ick!) bishops (eek!). It also means rifle-butt (oh no!) or hockey-stick (eeew!), which are almost as shamelessly phallogocentric.

Back before she was murdered, I used to joke about how Madeleine Murray O'Hair would one day sue to change the names of St. Louis, St. Paul, and St. Augustine, and (if she took up the study of Spanish late in life), San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Santa Cruz, Los Angeles, Las Cruces, Sacramento, and dozens of smaller cities. Now I'm not so sure someone won't do that in my lifetime. Once they take care of the New Testament, they can start on the Old Testament: Salem, Boaz, Bethesda, and so on.

Posted by Dr. Weevil at August 13, 2003 11:09 PM