July 10, 2002
Facts About Weevils

I have recently achieved the high honor of inclusion on the WarbloggerWatch Enemies List. They call it 'The Watched' and give clever names to those they list. As if to show how little they know about weevils, or insults, they list me as 'Boll Weevil'.

This is a boll weevil (fortunately not to scale):

This is a pecan weevil:

This is a European nut weevil:

Until today, my background illustrated the chestnut weevil, possibly the most prodigiously endowed of all the species of nut weevils and far more impressive than the puny boll weevil. I have now moved the illustration to the header and doubled it, with the male on the left and the female on the right. Note the subtle differences between the genders: I like to think of the male as the lesser of two weevils. If you've never noticed one of these extraordinary creatures, it is most likely because they are generally half an inch long or less. At least that's what the books say: they never specify whether they are counting the snout as part of the length, and it makes a difference. Their small size and unobtrusive habits are the reason that you will generally see no weevil and hear no weevil, unless of course you go looking for them. They use their snouts to bore holes in nuts, cotton bolls, and other things. Agronomists therefore classify them as boring pests, though I find them quite fascinating.

Next week: The Boll Weevil Monument in Enterprise, Alabama.

Posted by Dr. Weevil at July 10, 2002 10:42 PM

Dr. Weevil

Too damn funny. Did you pick the name
Dr. Weevil for the punning possibilities?

Fred Jenson

Posted by: Fred Jenson on July 11, 2002 10:49 AM

Let me just say that I have actually seen the Boll Weevil monument in person. Yes, there is a giant statue of a Boll Weevil. I don't remember exactly why the monument was built, but it is entertaining to be able to say there is one.

Posted by: Lori on July 11, 2002 02:19 PM

The Boll Weevil monument is in my hometown, Enterprise, AL. It was built to honor the boll weevil for helping the town survive. In the early 1900's it killed all the cotton and the farmers had to deversify their crop and planted peanuts instead. Now, the county is rich from the peanuts, with much more money than cotton could have gotten them.

Posted by: Kim on January 17, 2003 04:13 PM

weevils are the cutest things i have ever seen. I think that you should sell them as pets in pet stores. they would totally be better than tarantulas. i owuld love to keep one in a cage. i would feed him my left over pancake mix after breakfast, and my left over corn bread mix after dinner. thank you for weevils,
Dr. Ding Dong

Posted by: dr. ding dong on July 31, 2003 12:49 PM

I recently believed that my daughter had come home with fleas in her hair. My exterminator told me that they were weevils. They leave nasty welts and I can't seem to get rid of them. Please help.

Posted by: Rebekah Lavoy on November 2, 2003 09:10 PM

How long do weevils live when you starve them in your pantry?

Posted by: Emily on November 25, 2003 08:53 PM

Which plants or trees will not be harmed by the weevils? If my yard is infested by weelvils, what should I do?

Mr. Maly

Posted by: Mr. Maly on February 19, 2004 08:39 PM

We found a large bug (weevil?) in one of our outside planters. It is approx 2" long and 1 1/2" wide. It looks like some sort of beetle, but I am wondering if it is a weevil. The pinchers on its head are on the top and bottom instead of left and right. It has giant wings on it's back that are kind of silvery with black dots on them. Have you heard of anything like this? Honestly, it looks like one of those rubber bugs you would buy for kids.

Posted by: Erin on July 21, 2004 09:49 AM

I love weevils........

They're great!

I once fed a baby one with a crumb of cake a few years ago....

And I saw a big case full in a museum, loads of groovy colours, shiny greens and vivid blues....

Posted by: Paul Hegginson on August 8, 2004 11:03 AM

Do you think they sing to each other when no one's around?

Posted by: Mr Bow Vine on August 8, 2004 11:05 AM

How did the weevil get its name? I'm so fascinated with them, i like LOOKING at bugs... some that is.

Posted by: Lesley Haberman on August 30, 2004 08:20 PM